Worship With Us

Worship With Us

Time of Worship

9:30 AM


If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to get in touch.

Get In Touch

After the service we invite you to stay for coffee and fellowship. Also, we invite you to join one of the Sunday school discipleship classes to become more connected to God and His people.

Have an Infant or Child?


The Nursery is always available for Sunday services and during continuing education classes. Children must be signed in and out. Parents will receive a pager to take into our Worship Service.

The Infant and Crawlers Nursery is staffed by two to three attendants each Sunday. We have rockers, pack and plays as well as infant exersaucers, age appropriate toys, and a soft crawling area. Our Toddler Nursery for one to four years old's is staffed by three attendants each Sunday. This nursery features a play house, activity table, age appropriate toys, Bible stories and music. Parents are invited to stop by and browse our children's area.


What will the service be like?

A service of worship to the Triune God.

What happens after the service?

Church isn’t over when the sermon ends! After the worship service we have a time of fellowship. There are snacks, coffee, and a lot of people to talk to. To follow we have Sunday school for all ages. There is a nursery for the little ones, Sunday school classes for children and teens, and even adult classes. We would love to have you join us!

Are there any online resources that will keep me connected to Crete Church?

Crete Church uses an online community platform called Faithlife. There you’ll find detailed information on Crete Church ministries, groups, events, and forms. Click HERE to sign up for an account.

Our Ministries

In addition to Sunday morning worship, we have a variety of ministries offered throughout the week.

Be sure look under the MINISTRIES tab for more information.

It is our hope that by exploring our site you will discover that Crete Church is a safe place where not only can you discover and grow in a relationship with Jesus Christ, but also a place where you can belong.

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